Dr. Justin Ramsey is new Associate Medical Director

Dr. Justin Ramsey

Dr. Justin Ramsey is taking on a new role as Associate Medical Director – Movement Clinic and Cerebral Palsy Program.

Medical Director of Rehabilitation Services, Dr. Suneet Sahgal says, “The inception of the position was an understanding of what Dr. Ramsey brings to the table in terms of his expertise and knowledge of cerebral palsy and being deeply involved with advocacy for that patient population. He has a passion for treating children with movement disorders and has had a lot of experience as a part of expert panels within the realm of cerebral palsy

Dr. Ramsey is involved with the Cerebral Palsy Foundation and has had the opportunity to interact with many people who are at the forefront of treating cerebral palsy and movement disorders. He has also been an integral part of creating the multidisciplinary movement disorder clinic, which brings together specialties to design comprehensive treatment plans for patients, many of whom have cerebral palsy.

Bethany Children’s has joined the Cerebral Palsy Research Network, thanks in part to Dr. Ramsey. This is a consortium of institutions that share their data on cerebral palsy and create research from that data.

 “Not only does Bethany Children’s participate in sharing data, but we have access to the research that is created from that data, so we can be aware of the most up and coming treatment recommendation and treatment protocols,” says Dr. Sahgal.

Dr. Ramsey’s passion has also led him to create a treatment protocol through our Care Transformation Team for selective dorsal rhizotomy inpatients, and to work on repurposing the Intrathecal Baclofen Pump Program by working with the nursing team to develop a systematic educational approach so families are better in tune with what to expect from the implant. 

Dr. Sahgal explains that Dr. Ramsey has a global approach to cerebral palsy, coming from many different angles.

“He has a very unique perspective on Cerebral Palsy because he has lived through it and actually understand from personal experience what things you encounter, how that plays a role emotionally and what things you have to prepare for at different stages of life,” says Dr. Sahgal. “It’s a unique way to connect with patients and families with those insights. It’s a very powerful tool.”

We are grateful for Dr. Ramsey’s passion and unique approach to serving patients through these many channels. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Ramsey for his dedication and continued contributions to Bethany Children’s.

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