Deepti Chrusciel, Child & Adolescent Neurologist, joins Medical Team at Bethany Children’s

Dr. Deepti Chrusciel

Bethany Children’s Health Center is excited to welcome Dr. Deepti Chrusciel, Child and Adolescent Neurologist, to the medical team. Dr. Chrusciel most recently practiced at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center for 11 years, serving as the Director of Child Neurology, the Medical Director of the Child Neurology Clinic, Co-Director for Neurosciences, Director of Quality and Safety, and Vice-Chair of the department of Neurology.

Dr. Chrusciel was born and raised in Oklahoma City. She received her medical degree and completed her child neurology residency at Saint Louis University in Saint Louis, Missouri.  She is the recipient of medical student and resident teaching awards, including the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine award.  She has participated in research in neurofibromatosis, pediatric Covid 19, migraine care, and pediatric pain. 

We were excited to learn that migraine care is one of Dr. Chrusciel’s passions, as the announcement of her new role at Bethany Children’s coincides with Migraine Awareness Week.  As a migraine sufferer herself, Dr. Chrusciel says, “I can appreciate the toll migraines take on one’s quality of life. For children and teens, migraines affect performance in school and function in the home setting. Optimizing migraine control contributes to improving all of these.”

While Dr. Chrusciel says migraines are common, especially in adolescent females, having a good action plan when migraines occur can help decrease the interruption in daily life. Common triggers include dehydration, poor sleep, erratic eating schedules, overconsumption of caffeine and a lack of physical activity. 

Dr. Chrusciel offers these preventive measures for at home management of migraines. “Ensure that fluid intake is adequate, as not drinking enough water is a common reason for migraines to be triggered. Eat meals and snacks at regular frequencies. Getting a good night’s sleep and treating any variables that prevent this can be very effective. Maintaining good stress coping skills, getting regular exercise and limiting caffeine are also helpful.”

Dr. Chrusciel is excited about transitioning to her patient care role at Bethany Children’s Health Center where she will be caring for children with neurologic needs including epilepsy, migraines, developmental delays, and cerebral palsy.  She is most passionate about headache management and comprehensive care for patients with neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis.

Chief Medical Officer, Michael Johnson says, “Dr. Chrusciel is a talented, well-respected, and dynamic physician.  With her expertise, we will be able to expand our reach to deliver specialty care to even more patients.  We are thrilled to have her join our team!” 

Outside of her clinical work she enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She and her husband Tim have two sweet daughters, Nina and Sonia, who keep them busy during their free time.

Help us welcome Dr. Deepti Chrusciel to Bethany Children’s!

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